Saturday, May 16, 2020

What I Knew About Being An Artist - 1141 Words

What I knew about being an Artist Growing up in a family full of creative minds it wasn’t hard to find my own talent. I became obsessed with art at a young age, drawing anything that caught my fancy whether it be cats, dogs, or power puff girls. I loved to draw. I found that with my drawing I had a natural desire to get better and build upon my talent. In the later years of middle school when the time came that we were deciding our future careers I didn’t want to be an artist. I wanted to just quit my talent and be like the other girls who could sing and dance, I thought my talent useless. But through the years I found that any occupation besides an artist would make me miserable. A life spent on a career one does not have passion for is†¦show more content†¦Art can play on the emotions of man unlike anything else in the world. It is a solid form of freedom of speech that all can understand. A single art piece can mean millions of different things to different viewers. Inside my mind lays in wake great masterpieces that have yet to be discovered and put onto canvas. Art is the career for me; I have spent long hours developing my art, researching art history, examining the work place/education requirements, learning from the masters(through books and TV programs), and imagining my future life as an artist. I have more yet to learn but I am ready and willing to go further. What I Learned about Artists Obviously the primary duties of an artist are to create images, sculptures, paintings, photographs, installations, and a number of other art forms that help convey a feeling or idea in a public or private space. An artist is to make use of various materials to create original works of art for sale and exhibitions. One of the best things about art is that it never gets outdated or left in the past because as new technology is produced so are new ways to create art. â€Å"Technology has increased engagement†¦made art a more participatory experience and has helped make the arts audience more diverse.† (Pew Research Center) The life of an artist is not

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