Friday, August 28, 2020

The Meaning of Vive la France!

The Meaning of 'Vive la France!' Vive la France! is an articulation utilized in France to show enthusiasm. It’s hard to make an interpretation of the term truly into English, yet it for the most part implies â€Å"long live France!† or â€Å"hurray for France!† The expression has its underlying foundations in Bastille Day, a French national occasion recognizing the raging of the Bastille, which occurred on July 14, 1789, and denoted the start of the French Revolution. Devoted Phrase â€Å"Vive la France!† is for the most part utilized by legislators, yet you will likewise hear this energetic articulation bandied about during national festivals, for example, Bastille Day, around French races, during games, and, tragically, now and again of emergency as an approach to summon devoted emotions. La Bastille was a jail and an image of the government in late eighteenth century France. By catching the noteworthy structure, the populace signaledâ that it currently held the ability to manage the nation. Bastille Day was announced a French national occasion on July 6, 1880, on legislator Benjamin Raspails suggestion, when the Third Republicâ was solidly settled in. The Third Republic was a period in France that kept going from 1870 to 1940. Bastille Day has such a solid connotation for the French in light of the fact that the occasion represents the introduction of the republic. The related expression Vive le 14 juillet! (actually â€Å"Long live the fourteenth of July!†) has been related with the noteworthy occasion for a considerable length of time. The key term in the expression is vive,â an interposition that actually implies long live. The Grammar Behind Vive la France French language structure can be precarious. The term viveâ is no special case. Viveâ comes from the unpredictable action word â€Å"vivre,† which intends to live. Vive is the subjunctive. In this way, a model sentence mightâ be: Nous souhaitons, nous espã ©rons que la France vive longtemps, heureusement. This means: We trust that France will live for quite a while, luckily. Note, that the action word is vive and not viva, as in Viva Las Vegas, and it is articulated veev, where the last e is quiet. Different Uses for Vive The articulation vive is extremely normal in French to show eagerness for a wide range of things, for example, Vive les vacances!â Yippee for the excursion! Vive les soldes! Yippee for the business season! Vive moi! Definitely me! Viveâ is likewise utilized in various different settings that are not identified with the popular expression yet at the same time significant in the French language. Models include: On ne voyait à ¢me qui vive. There wasnt a living soul to be seen. Etre sur le qui-vive. To be on the alarm. La vive-eau Spring tide Vivement Bluntly, strongly While the expression Vive la France is profoundly established in French culture, history, and governmental issues, the full motto is commonly conjured distinctly on chronicled events and during political occasions. On the other hand, the key term in the expression, vive, is generally utilized by the French to communicate euphoria and bliss on numerous events. In this way, whenever youre in France (or wind up among French-speakers who happen to utilize this well known expression), dazzle them with your profound information on French history. Source The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Bastille Day. Reference book Britannica.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Discipline As Folklore Essay Example For Students

Order As Folklore Essay There is no compelling reason to contend whether order has a job in the public eye. The sorts, seriousness, and suitability are easy to refute, however it clearly fills a need. This applies on a worldwide scale, with gatherings, for example, NATO and the UN, right down to singular family units. The nuclear family goes about as a preparation camp for forthcoming individuals from a network by showing kids what is anticipated from them through model and control. In spite of the fact that the philosophy differs from family unit to-family unit, culture-to-culture, here and there; we as a whole have needed to reply to power sooner or later. The strategies and exercises went from age to age are saved in the retelling of our own encounters to each other. These accounts can likewise fill in as a symbol of respect; verification that we have endure the tempest and are commendable citizenry. An assessment of the meeting answers uncovers variety between the sorts of discipline that drill sergeants, for the most part guardians, decided to utilize. In spite of the fact that not all around reflected in the transcript, the individuals who were restrained cruelly, with one special case, express that they manage the cost of their folks less respectability and don't see themselves copying the methodology of their older folks. It is intriguing to note, notwithstanding; that the offenses themselves will in general be comparative. Five of the eight recorded reactions list lying as a culpable offense. Lack of respect or getting in no-no circumstances is by all accounts an ongoing theme too. Most of respondents share sees about the goals behind their folks activities, all the more explicitly, they perceive that order is a methods for guardians to ?instruct me what they thought about the correct method to act dependent on their good and strict convictions. While gathering the informat ion, I was amazed to perceive how energetic individuals were to share such private parts of their lives. I distributed inquiries to certain companions in the library (open air fire) who immediately started thinking back about youth encounters. The discussion pulled in the consideration of close by studiers and passers by who halted to tune in or toss in an individual story or two. I ended up energetically contending with my interviewees over who had the most, the most amusing, or the most stunning stories. By recounting to their story, individuals uncover themselves. Their character is featured by the sort of story they tell and the manner in which they tell it. Clarifications for a people conduct may get apparent in a functionalist sense: Why I am how I am is investigated through a declaration of sentiments and suppressed feelings through references of the past. This legitimately identifies with Phenuminology and Znamieckis conversation of information on self. A few reactions mirro r an adjustment in cognizance, for example, I was gotten. I understand that my father was really smooth and on the off chance that I would do going to accomplish something I wasnt expected to, I must be progressively cautious and take a gander at all the conceivable outcomes of getting captured. Another significant part of the recounting the story is in strengthening the quick network. By tongue in cheek sharing our lowliness, we have the chance to reinforce our commonality and bond with one another as Swarthmore understudies. The connection among order and old stories may appear to be ambiguous from the start. The way to overcoming any barrier lies in the manner the connection is set up. Rather than discovering likenesses between the two, it is important to see discipline as a type of old stories. In this way managing discipline the entirety of the guidelines and specifications of its expected parent. The story that the interviewees tell is an away from of an individual account. The qualities of old stories with respect to the saint design, as it concerns an abused youth who endures the rage of the malevolent witch , are fulfilled in many records. This is foremost to fantasies, for example, Cinderella, which show the insidious stepmother. The closeness between the two suggests the indication of genuine circumstances in the legendary stories. Order imitates the kiss that transforms the frog into a sovereign. The realness of this kiss originates from lips that kissed, or in plain English, these are not a re sult of innovation or interpretation by an outside tongue. It is an immediate impression of a societies esteems as instructed to the individuals who will end up being the meat of the previously mentioned culture. When gotten some information about the intentions of their slave drivers, the interviewees by and large concurred that discipline, similar to old stories, is a technique used to instruct. This follows Piagets considers that recommend that there are essential strides in a childs advancement that are widespread paying little mind to the general public they originate from. The likeness across societies would loan to a monogenesis of humankind. Order, as fables, educates us how to be humanized and polite. It is the basic piece of forming into a good individual from humankind. Bibliographynoneresearch projectAnthropology

Friday, August 21, 2020

Lucy Stone - The Progress of Fifty Years - 1893 Speech

Lucy Stone - The Progress of Fifty Years - 1893 Speech This was Lucy Stones last open discourse, and she kicked the bucket a couple of months after the fact at age 75. The discourse was initially introduced as a discourse to the Congress of Women held in the Womans Building at the Worlds Columbian Exposition (Worlds Fair), Chicago, 1893. Stone is known as a defender of womens testimonial and, prior in her life, as an abolitionist. A short life story beneath (before Stones discourse) was distributed with the discourse in the official release of the record of the Congress of Women, distributed at the heading of the Lady Managers, a panel charged by the United States Congress with administering the Womans Building and its occasions. Focuses canvassed in this discourse: Instruction: A reflection that Oberlin College opened itself to both genders and to all classes in 1833, trailed by Mary Lyon opening Mt. Holyoke.Free discourse: Anti-Slavery activism had prompted addressing womens job too, however the abolitionist subjugation development was partitioned on womens rights. She specifies the Grimke sisters and Abby Kelly. Abby Kellys job in building up the option to free discourse for ladies, shielded by Garrison and Phillips.Womens Sphere and womens work: Women started to enter new occupations. She makes reference to Harriet Hosmer among specialists, entrepreneurs, Elizabeth Blackwell and medication, service and Antoinette Brown, law and Lelia Robinson.Married womens rights: The property rights and legitimate presence of wedded women.Political power: Some restricted testimonial for ladies had just been won, remembering full testimonial for Wyoming, school and metropolitan testimonial in different places.Womens associations: Womens clubs, universitie s for ladies and co-instructive universities, the Womans Christian Temperance Unionâ and other change gatherings and valuable social orders, production line, and jail overseers, and the Board of Lady Managers for the Columbian Exposition, at which Stone was talking. She shut with: Also, not one of these things was permitted ladies fifty years back, aside from the opening at Oberlin. By what work and weariness and tolerance and hardship and the delightful law of development has this been created? These things have not happened to themselves. They couldn't have happened with the exception of as the incredible development for ladies has brought them making the rounds. They are a piece of the endless request, and they have come to remain. Presently all we need is to keep on talking reality valiantly, and we will add to our number the individuals who will turn the scale to the side of equivalent and full equity in every way. Full text: The Progress of Fifty Years: Lucy Stone, 1893​ Related Primary Source Material on This Site: Laura Ormiston Chant: The Duty of God to Manâ -1893Ida Hultin: Essential Oneness of Ethical Ideasâ -1893Marriage Protest of Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwellâ -1855

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

4 Computer Essay Topics That You Must Read Out Loud

4 Computer Essay Topics That You Must Read Out LoudThere are several computer essay topics that you can choose from. Some of these topics will show that you can learn a lot about computers and the internet. Once you have read these topics, you will be able to tackle any type of topic that you encounter.There are four computer essay topics that you need to know more about. You must understand all the details if you want to write a good essay. These topics may also help you study for your exams.One of the most well-known computer essay topics is the internet. It is easy to see why people like to talk about the internet. You need to be familiar with the idea of the internet to be able to understand it. You should be able to visualize what the internet is doing to you.Another computer essay topics that you must know is the meaning of games. You will need to understand why people love to play online games. There are several factors that determine whether you will be able to play an online game or not. You will need to know why people like to play and why they don't like to play the games.The third computer essay topics that you need to be familiar with is the process of creating pictures. There are many things that go into creating a picture. You need to know the exact techniques that go into this process. This can help you understand how to create your own images and stories.The fourth topic that you need to learn more about is the communication process. You need to understand the fundamental things that go into making a message. You will be able to discuss topics that are related to technology. These topics will help you understand how the media, the internet, and the way people communicate with each other has changed over the years.The four computer essay topics that you need to understand more about are simple and easy to understand. It does not take long to learn these topics. All you need to do is to read the topics out loud and make sure that you understand t hem completely. Once you have done that, you will be able to be able to master the use of the internet and understand its importance.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

What I Knew About Being An Artist - 1141 Words

What I knew about being an Artist Growing up in a family full of creative minds it wasn’t hard to find my own talent. I became obsessed with art at a young age, drawing anything that caught my fancy whether it be cats, dogs, or power puff girls. I loved to draw. I found that with my drawing I had a natural desire to get better and build upon my talent. In the later years of middle school when the time came that we were deciding our future careers I didn’t want to be an artist. I wanted to just quit my talent and be like the other girls who could sing and dance, I thought my talent useless. But through the years I found that any occupation besides an artist would make me miserable. A life spent on a career one does not have passion for is†¦show more content†¦Art can play on the emotions of man unlike anything else in the world. It is a solid form of freedom of speech that all can understand. A single art piece can mean millions of different things to different viewers. Inside my mind lays in wake great masterpieces that have yet to be discovered and put onto canvas. Art is the career for me; I have spent long hours developing my art, researching art history, examining the work place/education requirements, learning from the masters(through books and TV programs), and imagining my future life as an artist. I have more yet to learn but I am ready and willing to go further. What I Learned about Artists Obviously the primary duties of an artist are to create images, sculptures, paintings, photographs, installations, and a number of other art forms that help convey a feeling or idea in a public or private space. An artist is to make use of various materials to create original works of art for sale and exhibitions. One of the best things about art is that it never gets outdated or left in the past because as new technology is produced so are new ways to create art. â€Å"Technology has increased engagement†¦made art a more participatory experience and has helped make the arts audience more diverse.† (Pew Research Center) The life of an artist is not

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Improving Society Mill’s On Liberty and Marx’s Communist...

Society is built and run on social and moral obligations and while these two are closely related, both impact cultures around the world in different ways. Marx’s Communist Manifesto and Mill’s On Liberty demonstrate the relationship these obligations have with successful and unsuccessful social constructs. For the purposes of this paper, a moral obligation is a consideration of what is right ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬ and wrong and can vary depending on pressures from external sources such as religion, while a social obligation is a responsibility the individual has to act to benefit the best interests of their class as well as supporting the stability between society and the individual. Marx and Mill differ greatly in their opinions on the role and effects of†¦show more content†¦Since the Bourgeoisie control the means of production, their social obligations stem from the betterment of their own class by maintaining the status quo between themselves and the Proletariat, and to this end, the Bourgeoisie are continuously revolutionizing the modes of production so that the workers are constantly dependent on them. Marx’s views of social obligation differ from Mill’s in that by Marx’s view, there are two classes with their own social agendas and obligations to their own class, whereas Mill’s idea is that all members of a society should act in a way that brings about the most benefit for everyone, without causing harm to others. Marx shows that there is a split in advancement of society due to self-interest since the Bourgeoisie is trying maintain the status quo when he says that there is â€Å"Constant revolutionizing of productions† and â€Å"uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions† (Marx 12), while the Proletariat is trying to break the status quo. Mill on the other hand believes advancement comes from the expression and discussion of all opinions, even those that don’t represent the favor of the majority. In addition to differences in social responsibilities, Marx and Mill contradict each other in regard to social tyranny because in Marx’s Communism, the social obligation introduced by the self-interest of the majority of would coerce the working class into

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Zimbabwe Sustainable Development Tourism

Question: Discuss the following points.. Analysis the sustainability methods has been used in Zimbabwe to develop the tourism industry Describe the sustainability theories adopted in Zimbabwe and give examples? Answer: Introduction: Zimbabwe is one of beautiful tourist attractions in Africa. Its wildlife scenario drives many tourists to visit here and experience the exquisite views of the country. Places like Victoria Falls and Hwange National Park are extremely famous. The culture and the people are very different from the rest of the countries. Although the economy of the country is not much satisfactory but still it attracts a lot of tourists which actually helps in the improvement of the tourism sector in many ways. Here a study is made on the different types of sustainability methods used in Zimbabwe. Sustainibility Methods: Sustainability is basically a method of sustainable development that meets the basic and normal needs of the present time failing to make any sacrifices or compromises in the future time. It actually focuses on how the social, economic and environmental needs can be balanced. In Zimbabwe, tourism is an emerging industry. Various sustainability methods were undertaken to improve the tourism industry. Proper judgmental strategies should also be adopted. The main objectives of Sustainable Development are to increase the economic growth attainment of basic needs involving more number of people controlling population growth conservation of the environment change in technology managing risk development Environment should be considered in case of taking decisions (Lin Pleskovic, 2011). Sustainable Development has two types of approaches. One is the outcome approach and the other is the opportunity approach. Outcome approach focuses on the flow variable variables while the opportunity approach focuses on the stock variables. The aim of outcome approach is to maximize social welfare while the aim of opportunity approach is to consider the weak and the strong sustainability (Roosa, 2010). The sustainability methods also depend on the broad scenario of environment. The certain factors of environments include soil, vegetation, land rights, different strategies of environment, livestock farming, wildlife culture etc. Soil - In case of the soils, scientists are considering the way the people of Zimbabwe has classified the soil in two types. In the first case the soil type is specified .Scientists consider this very important because this past nature of the soils will help them to determine which kind of soil one should use and help them in yielding crops. Another factor they considered was the study of soil from the point of view of the farmers. Farmers better understand what kind of soil is particularly good for that plant. This will basically help to restrict the depletion of natural resources. Livestock Majority of the population is engaged in agricultural activity. So it is important to improve the livestock farming in the agricultural sector. The tourism industry in Zimbabwe plays an important role in the lives of the rural people and thus it helps to improve sustainable development. Wildlife- Before colonization, wildlife played a significant role as people of the country use wildlife for their food source. At one point of time there was a huge conflict between the rural people and the wildlife authority. The rural people had no option but to hunt the animals and have their food. However this conflict was solved after a lot of disagreements and finally it resulted in the improvement in the diversity of the country. Environmental Strategies- Strategies like less killing of animals, less wastage of soil, water etc were adopted so that the country can experience rich heritage in terms of sustainable development (Lundsgaarde, 2012). Sustainibility Theories Sustainable tourism is one kind of tourism which tries not to affect the environment adversely, but it wants to maximize its effects in the factors like employment, income, environmental improvement of the country etc. It should be developed in such a way that the integrity of the country is well balanced. Without affecting the social, cultural and economic aspects how the country can optimize to create more jobs in the tourism sectors. In this scenario different types of tourism are there, like Eco tourism, community based tourism, conservation (Ramaswamy Sathis Kumar, n.d.). Eco tourism Eco tourism is basically a kind of tourism which focuses on the countrys cultural heritage. It also gives the idea of the flora and fauna of the country to the visitor so that he gets educated about the destination. It includes the type of the tourist and activities of the tourist. It also helps in improving the conservation of the economy and unites several cultures together. It gives financial help to the local residents as well as the economy (Baumgartner and Korhonen, 2010). For example people of the country are involved in CAMPFIRE PROJECTS. This project basically gives the rural people an idea about the strategies to apply in the wildlife conservation, how the environment can be benefited in terms of natural resources, its people and the culture. They can even earn money for their better livelihood. In the north west of Zimbabwe (Binga district) there was shortage of schools. People in this district were below poverty level. But getting engaged in this project helped the local people to improve their livelihood. Previously there were only 13 primary schools but now it has 56 primary schools and several health clinics (Williams, 2010). Community based tourism -Community based tourism is a kind of tourism in which the economically backward and rural people invite the visitors to stay in their communities so that they can earn income by providing different services to the visitors for that period of stay. It actually focuses on the holistic nature of development and improves the economic welfare but adds to the cost of tourism industry (Pineda Brebbia, 2010). For example: This type of tourism started in the year of 1980 in Namibia whose main objective was to remove the act of poaching and also to increase the benefits of the local people. Conservation- Conservation is basically the act of protecting the environment from the bad affects of the different natural resources. It generates macroeconomic development as well as the improvement of the foreign exchange. It also generates great benefits to the economy. It is famous for its wildlife conservation ('Conservation and Politics', 2010). For example: In the area of Southern Africa, this idea of conservation is very significant. It helps to sustain resources in an appropriate manner and thereby improves the global environment (Gu Liu, 2013). Evaluation of key drivers and stakeholder strategies: Stakeholders strategies are an important factor in the evolution of sustainability. Stakeholders basically make important choice for developing the management strategies. They use their strategies to generate financial improvements. Tourism industry is basically identified as the stakeholders capability to understand the development of the country. For this kind of practice a sequence is followed in the way of research, strategic decisions and execution in practical field (Leung, Bingham Davies, 2010). It can be stated that, there are many areas where the stakeholders execution can be utilized, but, unfortunately, the execution has not been utilized in the field of Zimbabwean tourism industry. However, with these strategic executions there can be huge improvement both in the qualitative and quantitative field. The main thing one needs to understand is that this industry of tourism is highly competitive, unsteady and volatile. So there is a need to make deep study of the importance of stakeholders strategies and their executions. If the stakeholders take some time to cooperate then the tourism industry can become a useful tool for the long term economic development and growth in Zimbabwe. This may also help to lessen the conflict that existed between the man and the wildlife. Principles, Practices And Frameworks Of Sustainable Tourism Development Principles As we know sustainable tourism is a vital in the lives of the local people of Zimbabwe. Sustainable tourism is one of the biggest industries. It creates employment, helps people to travel from one place to the other, resources are highly consumed and life of the people is highly affected (Gu and Liu, 2013). Earlier the types of sustainable tourism were discussed. But there can be more types of tourism. Like under eco tourism there can be more sub parts like rural tourism, nature tourism, and cultural tourism. With sustainable tourism there exists unsustainable tourism as well. They are mainly beach tourism. Now discussion will be made on the principles of these types of tourisms. The principles are discussed from the point of view of three aspects: social, economical and ecological (Freeman, 2010). Ecological Aspect The most important aspect is to minimize the adverse effects of eco tourism. Natural resources are to be preserved and conserved. The observation of the visitor is to promote the positive use of eco tourism Social Aspect Importance of proper participation and appropriate information. Experiences of tourism are also important. Here the observation is on the sensitivity of the culture towards the local people and also towards the stakeholders. Economical Aspect Different types of policy, management of resources and strategies are adopted and it plays a significant role. To curb the limit of tourism development. Profit should be generated for the people who are economically backward (, 2015). Practices and frameworks: Different types of policy practices and frameworks were introduced in the case of sustainable development. This policy divides into different areas concerning women, children, business partner, and different types NGOs etc. These groups are further considered for different types of management resources. In African countries like Zimbabwe, these practices and frameworks needed reviews because many socio-economic, environmental issues are cropping up, for example, in the Brut land Report, Agenda 21, there were presence of many legal and policy changes to the existing framework and strategies, but these changes had been characterized as inefficient to promote economic development (JSD, 2010). For these changes, various policy reviews have begun which actually stated that these framework and policies promotes decentralization of the state control over resources to local communities, cooperation among the private land owners and different local companies. Different stakeholders have diffe rent interests. So there exists multiple integrity among the stakeholders. The aim of achieving sustainable tourism is a very difficult objective with multiple interests of the stakeholders. In the promotion of sustainable development these existing policy practices and frameworks should not be underrated. There are different arguments on this, the first one is that the state is the manager and the ultimate controller of resources and the state is the one who should develop ways to ensure that there is sustainable resource management and complete optimization of resources. It also argues that the State should be the one to take responsibility of costs and prices associated with the management of resources. But this kind of responsibilities cannot be fulfilled by states in Africa particularly by Zimbabwe (BBC News, 2015). Problems and Issues Related with Tourism in Zimbabwe Tourism industry in Zimbabwe is one the fastest growing sectors .It is the bread and butter of many people in the country. With many benefits it has many problems as well. In the discussion below, the aim is to focus more on the issues related to politics, environment and economics which are actually hampering the growth of the tourism industry (Gretzel, Law and Fuchs, 2010). Political issues: From the pre- colonial period there was a political intolerance to bring peace in the nation. People were threatened to get harmed if they voted against the party ruling at that time in country. The rural people faced more torture and humiliation. For example in the year of 2000, the elections were distinguished by violence, brutal abuse and even killing of the people. These had various negative affects in the country like deterioration of economic growth, economy was unsteady, and infrastructure was hugely destructed. These effects actually affected the common people of the country who had to fight everyday with several challenges and have to overcome them with positive solutions. So these types of political issues are actually hampering the development of tourism industry (Matunhu Munemo, 2011). Environmental issues: Environment in any country was important in the aspect of economic development. But every country is not perfect. There are some environmental issues with most of the countries in the world. Zimbabwe is not an exceptional as well. Major issues include erosion of soil, deforestation, polluted air and water, poaching of animals and exporting them to other countries. Environmental problems are essentially the global problems. These also hinder the development of sustainable tourism (JSD, 2010). Economic issues: Majority of the Zimbabwes economy is classified by agriculture. High unemployment rate is one of the important economic issues in the country. Though literacy rate of both male and female population is quite high but due to high unemployment rate the economy slows down. The economy also faced huge hyperinflation in the period of 2008-2009. However, in the recent times many local people are engaged in the tourism industry and its contribution to GDP has increased, thereby creating jobs to thousands of unemployed people. This has helped to improve the economic growth in the country (Baumgartner Korhonen, 2010). Social and cultural factors: Like other African countries Zimbabwes culture is not that diverse. The society is patriarchal. Women are tortured and are not independent. Two types of caste existed here i.e. Shone and Ndebele. The degradation of the country also results in the cultural differences among the various categories of people. Racial discrimination can be identified as a major issue in the country and thus it degrades development in the country (Singh, 2010). Future prediction: It can be predicted that if the hyperinflation continues to exist at this pace then the economy will eventually collapse. Despite a high literacy rate, many people cannot get a job and it results in huge unemployment. Lot of environmental issues can also be solved if some strategies like increasing the living of the people, widening the availability and distribution of subsistence needs to the people, increasing the socio-economic needs are undertaken. Thus it will help in enhancing sustainable tourism. However, if the tourism industry is developed on a large basis in future, it can play an important tool in reducing unemployment and also to achieve a steady economic growth in future (Wang, 2010). Conclusion Thus it can be concluded that the sustainable tourism has promoted Zimbabwe beneficially. Its contribution to GDP has increased and livelihood of the people has also improved. Nowadays it has become very popular many people consider it as their occupation. Day by day the economy is improving. So overcoming different socio-economic difficulties, Zimbabwe can become a developed country in the world. References, (2015).Shona people, culture and traditions from Zimbabwe. 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